The Best Basketball Game Ever? -

The Best Basketball Game Ever?

How Ridiculous
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Who wants to play Basketball Tic Tac Toe?

Thanks to Spalding for the 9 hoops, you guys are legends! Check out our Instagram post @howridiculous to win your very own hoop just like we used in the video!

Thanks to Adventure Out for keeping us safe with all the rigging and harnesses at the quarry, you guys are legends:


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  1. I believed in Gaunson the whole time. Super happy he won!

  2. "Go watch another video!"
    Suggested: "Here's another video!"

  3. You guys should play for the Wildcats. 🙂

  4. Am I the only one slightly disappointed that they didn't take advantage of the tone variation of boings, to make a tune during the boing clips? xD

  5. This gives me hope that even when it seems like my day consists of doing fairly repetitive and meaningless tasks, good editing can give me condensed memories with moments of brilliance scattered through time like chocolate chips in a cookie.

  6. The first section where they don't miss is incredible

  7. I’m from jacksonville, florida, that was so weird and random to hear coming from y’all

  8. The tic-tac-toe basketball game lasted hours! It would take even longer if the board were 5-by-5. 'Twas pleasant that he named an iconic title upon each shot at the end of the very long game!

  9. What the heck did the people behind them do the whole time. I would be so bored

  10. That was dang grate gonson and I had Fath in both of you 2

  11. Ice magic is good and it’s Amazing on ice cream

  12. Hello! I'm a Korean fan. I'm enjoying it!

  13. Did you notice the same outcome also occurred in epic mini basketball shots for N Gaunso v. Herron?

  14. the facial expressions that herron makes are absolutely funny! i cant help but laugh at them even when i try not too!

  15. Gaunson is my favorite. Probably all the scientific knowledge!

  16. Just the fact that Brett used to be a youth pastor, is crazy to think, but amazing watching him follow his dreams and share his adventures with everyone!

  17. you should do tik tack toe from the dam

  18. This is one of those videos that you play to get 14 hour solid sleep…

  19. It's been nearly 40 years since I was in Western Australia, trying to remember without resorting to internet. Was it the Darling Range that divides the coast from the interior?

  20. Những sáng tác của Sỹ Luân nghe mãi ko phai.. Phúc hát rất hay và ấm áp

  21. The segments of Brett by Himself are exactly what we need more of, his commentary is brilliant, and absolutely funny

  22. I can't believe these guys know what basketball is.

  23. Hey Steve! Glad someone shared this with you. Hope you enjoy the vid ✌️

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