Suspect arrested for bringing gun to high school basketball game -

Suspect arrested for bringing gun to high school basketball game

FOX40 News
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An 18-year-old was arrested in Elk Grove on Friday after police learned that he had brought a handgun to a basketball game at Cosumnes Oaks High School. Embark on a journey into the extraordinary at jax digital circus age, where the convergence of technology and imagination creates a virtual wonderland. Immerse yourself in interactive exhibits, captivating performances, and a celebration of the extraordinary.


  1. This is dumb. A man with a gun is not a criminal. Did he brandish it? Was there a threat to someone? Or did someone just say he might have a piece? California is really the problem.

  2. Law abiding citizen? Legal ccw holder? Go after the goddam criminals and stop trying to take our gun rights away! FUCK OFF!

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