High School Teacher PWNED In Staff Student Basketball Game - bestfungamesll.com

High School Teacher PWNED In Staff Student Basketball Game

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Jordan humiliates a teacher on the court!


  1. @P9t2r if you watch the video its pretty obvious he isnt black..

  2. "how" is an on-running joke with these videos.

  3. dats was disgustin he block it like he was dunkin geeeeeeeeeeeez

  4. AWESOME!!!!! i never would have thought a black kid could jump higher than an unathletic white woman!!!!! what do you guys expect?

  5. im only doing this to u because u did it to me on a different video. i dont give a shit about my grammar but you seemed to care.

  6. it is pretty evident you do care because u try to keep good grammar on all of your videos.

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