Hands Up Protest at Knox College Basketball Game - bestfungamesll.com

Hands Up Protest at Knox College Basketball Game

Allie Fry
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Ariyana Smith protested at the Knox College v. Fontbonne University basketball game which was held in Clayton, MO this past Saturday. She’s been suspended from the team. While she lay alone on the floor in protest, her coach asked her to move because they wouldn’t be able to start the game. Mike Brown’s body lay in the street for 4.5 hours. Ariyana’s five minute protest and subsequent walk out to recognize the team was actually in the town where the grand jury decision was announced was apparently too much of an inconvenience. #BlackLivesMatter

(Smith leaves her team during the national anthem with her hands up. She kneels before the flag. She collapses and lays still for ~4.5 minutes. She stands up, making a Black Power salute with her fist up and walks out of the gym.)